
Kosmos jest ciekawy jak widać, zobacz sam
That said, i still believe the Antedelluvian (Preflood) World was an exotic and violent world with appreciable technological development since the first few generations from Adam would have had enormous intellect, being not so far removed from the Genetic perfection of the pre-sin Adam. But like today, it was a world in which man's (and Nephilim's) technology was far outpacing its moral development, hence the judgment of the great Flood of Noah
That said, i still believe the Antedelluvian (Preflood) World was an exotic and violent world with appreciable technological development since the first few generations from Adam would have had enormous intellect, being not so far removed from the Genetic perfection of the pre-sin Adam. But like today, it was a world in which man's (and Nephilim's) technology was far outpacing its moral development, hence the judgment of the great Flood of Noah
And now a correction on my comment of 2 years ago. I said Lamech's quote in Genisis 6 was in reference to the vast fighting arena's of the Preflood world, and that this Lamech was bragging about his accomplishments in Preflood combat, but after seeing the passage in the Book of Jasher, i saw an interesting narrative of Lamech and his son out in the field one day when their grandfather Cain approached in the tall grass in the distance and was mistaken by Lamech's son for a wild animal and shot with an arrow. Upon the accidental death of his granfather Cain, Lamech regrettably kills his son in a moment of grief and is thus alienated from his two wives. Later, he makes entreaty to them to understand the tragic event in context, saying: "Hear, ye wives of Lamech. I have have slain a young man for wounding me...". So i freely confess i must have had the wrong understanding of that quote in Genisis 6
And now a correction on my comment of 2 years ago. I said Lamech's quote in Genisis 6 was in reference to the vast fighting arena's of the Preflood world, and that this Lamech was bragging about his accomplishments in Preflood combat, but after seeing the passage in the Book of Jasher, i saw an interesting narrative of Lamech and his son out in the field one day when their grandfather Cain approached in the tall grass in the distance and was mistaken by Lamech's son for a wild animal and shot with an arrow. Upon the accidental death of his granfather Cain, Lamech regrettably kills his son in a moment of grief and is thus alienated from his two wives. Later, he makes entreaty to them to understand the tragic event in context, saying: "Hear, ye wives of Lamech. I have have slain a young man for wounding me...". So i freely confess i must have had the wrong understanding of that quote in Genisis 6
@aeontab thanks for the videos, too, all things in one, perfect, a masterpiece ;), is the picture of the Saturn real not a fake? This is really awesome, you can find more about this but not this pictures, i think the earth is hollow, too, all planets ;). But i dont say this sure, this is too crazy and unbelievebel, where you have the pictures? A sure essence is really importent for me to believe this, other things like dinos are logic ;), this too, but really crazy. Peace
@pedoero sounds like tool
song from doom is awesome... :P
Nice vid! I agree with @lipingflynn There were many civilizations before us. But it will change soon. =)
Thank you again Aeontab! Well done!
Free energy is finaly here!But the Oil coporations life depends on covering this up,Go to LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM and get the blueprints for a genuine magnet motor ,Let the revolution begin!
@cmxsevenfoldxmc hahaha i just saw that shit too hahaha this niggas been watchin zenon too long :)
Cool music and interesting program. WE ARE NOT ALONE
@dutchtruthseeker hey can u send me a pic of this?
@cmxsevenfoldxmc I see that aswell...it resembles the disney channel logo almost exactly..have you seen this aeontab?
Indeed I think our actual age is the most uninformed ever. Our weak concepts about our own God and where we belong to, what and why we born here and our insolit concept about a hell, devil, etc... makes me don't be astonished no matter what occour, even if Jupiter glows again, if we discover again that't black holes are stars between two universes that never touch each other because the distortion of the space time instead the equivocated concept of singularity.
agora eu sei que nao sou o unico que gosta da trilha do doom 3! auhauhau
4:20 is the the Disney Channel logo I see on the bottom right? Huh?
yeah humans and dinos means we are older then the bible is,damn disproveing god is fun
And Bart Simpson at 4:47 LOL
why that stupit music
usługi koparką, jak nie zerknij tu

Ancient Conspiracy Part 2. A Mystery in Saturn! Conspiração Antiga Parte 2. Mistério em Saturno! - TYTUŁ
6m 7s - CZAS

Oceńcie sami jak duży jest kosmos.